Khadijah RA`s Previous Marriages and Children – Part 2

August 12, 2022

Sayyidah Khadijah bint Khuwaylid bin Asad RA belonged to the well-known tribe of Banu Asad. She was an honourable and respected woman, known to be one of the wealthiest women of that era. Due to the nobility of her tribe and refined conduct, she was highly respected admired. She is regarded to be amongst the most blessed and pious women of history.
Previous Husbands

Khadijah RA was born in Makkah and was raised in a famous and respected household. Her father died on the day of the battle of al-Fujjar. She was married twice before the Prophet ﷺ to two Arab noblemen:
1. Abu Halah ibn Zurarah ibn al-Nabbash al-Tamimi, with whom she had two children, Hind and Halah; and
2. Atiq ibn ‘A’id ibn ‘Umar ibn Makhzum, with whom she had Hind bint Atiq.

Ibn Sa‘d R states regarding the children that Khadijah RA bore with these previous husbands:
“Khadijah RA bore for Abu Halah a son called Hind and another named Halah.

Her son Hind bin Abu Halah later accepted Islam, participated in the battle of Badr and rendered a great service to the ummah by describing the physical features of Rasulullah ﷺ in the most apt manner.

Then, after Abu Halah, Atiq ibn Abid ibn Abdullah ibn Umar ibn Makhzum married her.
For him she bore a daughter also called Hind.

This Hind (daughter of Khadijah RA) later married Sayfiyy ibn Umayyah ibn Abid ibn Abdullah ibn Umar ibn Makhzum, her cousin, for whom she bore a son called Muhammad. The descendents of this Muhammad are called Banu al-Tahirah (Clan of the Pure Woman) due to the status of Khadijah RA. They had remnants in Madinah, but subsequently died out. Khadijah was thus also known at times as Umm Hind.”


Prime Spot!!!


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