The Journey Itself – Part 2

March 01, 2022

In Sahih Muslim, Hadhrat Anas Bin Maalik (RA) has narrated that Nabi ﷺ said “The Buraaq was brought before me and it was a tall white animal, taller than a donkey and shorter than a mule and its every step was as far as the eye could see. I travelled on it until I reached the Baitul Maqdis. I tied the Buraaq to the ring which the various Ambiyaa (AS) had used to tie their animals and then entered the Masjid and performed two rakaat Salaah. When I came outside, Jibraeel (AS) presented me with two vessels, one of which contained wine and the other, milk. When I took the milk, Jibraeel (AS) remarked, “You have chosen nature”.

We were then taken towards the heavens. In the first heaven, I met Adam (AS), in the 2nd, I met Eesa (AS) and Yahya (AS), and in the 3rd heaven Hadhrat Yusuf (AS). In the 4th heaven I met Hadhrat Idris (AS) and in the 5th heaven, I met Hadhrat Haroon (AS) and in the 6th heaven I met Hadhrat Moosa (AS) and each one of them welcomed me very warmly. When I reached the 7th heaven, I met Hadhrat Ibrahim (AS). Jibraeel (AS) told me that Ibrahim (AS) would be resting against the Baitul Ma’moor and he also informed me that daily seventy thousand angels enter the Baitul Ma’moor (and so great is their number) that none of them gets the opportunity to come a second time.

I was then taken to the Sidratul Muntaha (i.e. the Lote tree). All of a sudden, I saw its leaves, so gigantic like the ears of an elephant. And it`s fruits, the size of huge earthen pots. When Allah ordered the Sidratul Muntaha to be draped, then its entire appearance was changed. None of the creation of Allah has the ability to describe its beauty.

At that moment, Allah revealed to me (whatever was to be sent) and 50 times daily Salaah was made obligatory upon me. As I was returning I passed by Moosa (AS) who asked “what did your Lord make compulsory upon your Ummah? I replied, “50 times Salaah”. Moosa (AS) said, “return to your Lord and ask him to reduce it since your Ummah does not have the ability to discharge it. This is my experience with the Bani Israeel. Nabi ﷺ says, “I then returned to my Lord and submitted “O my Allah! please reduce the Salaah on my Ummah” Hence it was reduced by five. I then returned to Moosa (AS) and informed him that the number has been reduced by five. He replied that your Ummah is not able to fulfil even this. Return to your Lord and request him to further reduce it. (SAW) says, “I returned to my Lord several times. I was one moment before Moosa (AS) and in the next I was in the court of Allah. Until finally only five times a daily Salaah remained. Allah said, “O Muhammad!, these five Salaah are for the whole day and night and for each Salaah there will be a reward of Ten Salaah.

Therefore, in reward (These 5 times Salaah) are equivalent to 50 times Salaah. Whoever will intend a good deed and not perform it will be credited with one good deed purely on account of his intention. And if after making any intention he performs the good deed he will be rewarded for ten good deeds. And whoever contemplates an evil deed but does not perform it, will have no record of it against him and if he acts upon his evil (evil) intention only one sin will be recorded against him”. Rasulullah (SAW) said, “I returned down to Moosa (AS) and informed him what had happened”. He replied, “Go back to your Lord and ask him to reduce it even further”. I answered that I had been repeatedly in the presence of my Lord and am now too ashamed to do so”. (Sahih Muslim page 97 Vol. 1).


Prime Spot!!!


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