Budget speech has ‘unmet expectation’

November 23, 2021

By Umamah Bakharia

Post Finance Minister Enoch Godongwana’s Medium-Term Budget Policy Statement, the health care systems and policies still face uncertainties. Program manager for health systems and policy at the WITS University, Russell Rensburg, expresses his views on the government’s plans for health departments in South Africa’s future.

“Budgets alone do not solve structural issues, but they do provide insight into government plans for addressing broader developmental priorities,” says Rensburg.

He adds that the government was supposed to outline their response to poverty, inequality, and the healthcare system through its address. However, no such address was made.

“I think more needs to be done to reorientate the budget to focus on the needs of the broader population and making sure that they can access those health needs.”

The Rural Health Advocacy Project (RHAP) asks that the government start strengthening primary healthcare to assist in possible future pandemics.

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