Fatimah RA – Part 13

October 20, 2021

Virtues of the Ahlul Bayt
Rifa’ah al Ansari narrates that Rasulullah ﷺ exclaimed:
أيها الناس ! إنّ قريشاً أهل أمانة ، فمن بغاها العواثر أكبه الله لمنخريه يقولها ثلاث مرات
O People! The Quraysh are people of trustworthiness. If anyone seeks to find fault with them, Allah will upend him on his face. He repeated that three times. [Musnad Imam Shafi’i Tartib al Sindi, Hadith: 695]

This narration has been recorded with a sound chain of narration in Musnad Imam al Shafi’i. Imam Bukhari has recorded it in al Adab al Mufrad.

What we learn from this is that one who seeks to find fault with the Quraysh will be overturned by Allah on his face. What of those then that attempt to harm them by speech and action?

This hadith deals with the general people of the Quraysh, what of the chosen amongst them, the Ahlul Bayt? What of those who hurt or press the Ahlul Bayt? What will their punishment be?

Famous personalities from the Ahlul Bayt: Fatimah رضي ألله عنها
This morning Ml. Sulaimaan covered her birth, her name and title, her character and personality and concluded the discussion with an amazing incident depicting the love Fatimah RA had for her beloved father ﷺ. We will take a look at the Hijrah and a brief look at the nikaah of this most honourable lady RA.

Hijrah to Madinah Tayyibah
The famous historical Hijrah which took place could be found in much detail in the books of history. Rasulullah ﷺ accompanied by Abu Bakr RA emigrated to Madinah before his family. After some time, Rasulullah ﷺ made arrangements to bring his family and the family of Sayyidina Abu Bakr RA from Makkah. ‘Allamah al Dhahabi R has documented this incident in vol. 2 pg. 109 of Siyar A’lam al Nubala’ in the following words:

Umm al Mu’minin Sayyidah Aisha RA narrates: “When Rasulullah ﷺ emigrated to Madinah, he left us and his daughters behind. When he reached Madinah, he sent Zaid ibn Harithah and Abu Rafi’ RA to us giving them two camels and five hundred silver coins he took from Abu Bakr RA in order so that they could buy any conveyances needed. Abu Bakr RA sent ‘Abdullah ibn Urayqit al Laythi RA with two or three camels and wrote to his son ‘Abdullah commanding him to bring his wife Umm Ruman, me and my sister, Asma’ RA. They thus left. When they reached Qadir, they purchased three camels with the silver coins. They then reached Makkah and met Talhah who intended to emigrate with Abu Bakr’s family RA. We all then left together and Zaid and Abu Rafi’ left with Fatimah, Umm Kulthum, Sowdah, Umm Ayman and Usamah RA. We then all met up.”

The Marriage of Sayyidah Fatimah رضي ألله عنها
After living in Madinah Tayyibah for some time, Rasulullah ﷺ gave attention to the marriage of Fatimah RA in 2 A.H.
عن جعفر بن سعد عن ابيه ان عليا قال لما خطبت فاطمة قال النبى صلى الله عليه و سلم هل لك من مهر قلت عندى راحلتى و درعى فبعتهما باربعمائة و قال اكثروا من الطيب لفاطمة فانها امراة من النساء
‘Ali RA relates: “When I proposed for Fatimah’s hand in marriage, Nabi ﷺ asked me: “Do you have money for dowry?” I said that I have my conveyance and my armour. I thus sold them in lieu of four hundred (silver coins). Rasulullah ﷺ advised me:

“apply much perfume for Fatimah for she is but a woman (who loves the smell of perfume).’”[Al Tarikh al Kabir vol. 2 pg. 61]
Ml. Sulaimaan will tomorrow morning continue with more details about the nikaah of the beloved daughter of Nabi ﷺ


Prime Spot!!!


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