May 03, 2021

Mum was asleep, and I sat on the window seat looking at the neighbourhood I had grown up in whilst making dhikr. It was deserted except for the tom-cat from across the road, liking at his thick fair. He seemed at peace with the world. It dawned on me then that I, too, was grateful for the little blessings that Allah had provided for us.

Even the pandemic had brought several glimmers of hope with it. People realised the value of family, the beauty of nature and even the wonderful talents we had been given. People were cooking more, gardening more, and even trying out new hobbies and stopping to enjoy life. I think that for many, we had realised Allah’s many blessings again.

For me, I was grateful that it was during this unprecedented time that I found Islam and, in doing so, not only found Allah, but He brought Fatima and Umme into my life.

I had missed madrassah over the last week and looked forward to seeing Muallimah again and participating in the lessons.

Today, the lesson focused on the importance of replying to the adhaan and iqamah. As Muallimah explained that when the Muadhin called, “Hayya al-al-Salah” “Hayya al-al-falah”, we were to respond with, “La hawla wa la quwwata illa billaah.”
The beautiful call from the Muadhin: “Come to salaah, come to success” and the response from Allah servants, “there is no power and might except from Allah the most powerful and highest.”

Not only were we submitting to Allah, but we were made aware too of our weakness and His calling us to Him as He promised us success. The hairs on my nape stood as I understood the power and mercy of Allah in those words.

Whatever life may throw at us, we must know that we need to turn to Allah for guidance and assistance. He is Al-Aziz, The Mighty. When we accept this, we realise that each day, each breath, our health, and even our sicknesses are a gift from Allah. Without Him, we are lost.


Prime Spot!!!


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