April 22, 2021

Going to work, coming home from work and eating alone had become my daily ritual. It was also a lonely time and I had become impatient for a friendly face and company. My mother was coming over tomorrow, and I was counting the hours.

Fatima and I talked daily, and she together with Umme constantly apologised for not being with me during my first Ramadan. Having online “friends” didn’t help with the loneliness, but I remember my mother saying that sometimes you can be surrounded by people, but you would still be lonely.

With only a few people within my circle, I had to ensure that they were good for my soul and not just in my life to fill a gap. But as I didn’t venture out much, it had become more difficult to meet people.

“Okay Sam, stop feeling sorry for yourself”, I scolded as I looked through my list of things to do. It was dull and gloomy outside adding to my already grey outlook.

A soft rain began to fall and with it came the earthy smell of the soil, reminding me of rebirth, newness, and Allah’s blessings. I suddenly felt overwhelmed with gratitude for the barakah Allah had bestowed upon me.

Mum used to tell me that I should make a point of being thankful for one thing each day, to appreciate the many things we were given. I sat, looking out the window, and thanked Allah for my many blessings, especially for being a Muslim, algamdoelillah.

How do I thank Allah for His many bounties? That was a question I needed an answer to and Mualimah was the person who would have an answer for me.

Mualimah walked me through the steps of Salat-al-Shukr, she went on to say that The Prophet (PBUH) performed the salah upon the conquest of Makkah. She also said that when one expresses his/her gratitude to Allah, Allah increases his bounties upon that person.

I prayed the 2 rakah, with sincerity and a sense of joy enveloped me as I thought of every single thing that Allah had favoured me with, my family, Fatima, a job, my home and so much more. But knowing that Allah had bestowed the best blessing of all brought tears of joy to my eyes.

The grey feeling had dissipated, and I felt peaceful, happy. Allah is Ash Shakooru the one who accepts gratitude.


Prime Spot!!!


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