Faizel Patel – 07/04/2021
AfriForum says they welcome the decision by the Pretoria High Court to allow Ivermectin to be used in South Africa for the treatment of COVID-19.
A settlement agreement was made an order of court on Tuesday in four applications against the SA Health Products Regulatory Authority (Sahpra).
Pretoria High Court judge Cassim Sardiwalla, ruled that Sahpra has to report back to the court every three months, detailing any developments in the use and availability of the drug.
In terms of the agreement, the anti-parasitic drug can now be “compounded” and prescribed legally for the treatment of specific patients.
Speaking to Radio Islam, AfriForum’s Barend Uys says the court order has some conditions.
“The most practical way to explain it is that a doctor can now use their own judgement and prescribe Ivermectin to a patient. The patient can take the prescription to a pharmacy that sells compounded Ivermectin. That’s means that the doctor do not have to complete Section 21 application and do the reporting required by the regional compassionate access programme declared by Sahpra”
Uys says compounded Ivermectin is locally manufactured.
“It will still be a tablet. The difference is that it will be made or compounded locally and not be imported say for instance Bangladesh or India or where many of the medicines come from at the moment.”
Uys says Ivermectin not produced locally will no longer be permitted to be used in South Africa.
Listen to the interview with Barend Uys