In Norway, 23 people have died within days of having received their first dose of the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine. IOL reports that of the 23 deaths, 13 had been nursing home patients and at least 80 years old. Health officials have been quoted as saying the deaths were a result of side effects of the vaccine.
Twenty-one women and eight men had experienced side effects. Aside from those who died, nine people suffered serious side effects, such as allergic reactions, extreme discomfort, and severe fever. Seven others experienced severe pain at the injection site.
Sigurd Hortemo, chief physician at the Norwegian Medicines Agency, said that common reactions to the vaccine, including fever and nausea, “may have contributed to a fatal outcome in some frail patients.”
IOL reports that officials are now adjusting their guidance on who should receive the vaccine, without much alarm over the deaths. The Agency’s medical director, Steinar Madsen, claimed, “It is quite clear that these vaccines have very little risk, with a small exception for the frailest patients.
Since the end of December, more than 30 000 people in Norway have received the Pfizer or Moderna coronavirus vaccine.
Pfizer, meanwhile, said it was “aware of reported deaths.”
Umm Muhammed Umar