Faizel Patel – 20/11/2020
The City of Johannesburg has announced that Pikitup’s Avalon Depot has changed its refuse collection rounds with effect from 16 November to render effective waste collection services and improve service delivery.
The city says the previous waste collection schedule was inefficient because areas that were far from each other were grouped together, making waste collection tedious, time-consuming and inefficient.
It says the revised waste collection schedule seeks to facilitate waste collection in all areas serviced by the depot by re-grouping residential areas and servicing them based on their proximity to one another.
“This will ensure that waste collection services are rendered in a faster and highly efficient manner, and will also address backlogs in areas that were experiencing service delivery challenges.”
The city says while Pikitup acknowledges the minimal disruptions that the new schedule will bring forth as residents are used to the previous waste collection schedule, the new schedule will ultimately lead to greater efficiencies in waste collection services.
New refuse collection rounds