Effective Exam Tips for Parents and Learners: Part 3

November 11, 2020

For Parents – Don’t Overhype the Importance
It is necessary that every student understands the importance of the examinations, especially the matric examinations, and the great opportunities that comes with a good pass. However, parents need to keep in mind that over hyping the situation can have serious consequences, especially if a child has certain difficulties in learning.

It is very easy in the middle of a stress-inducing experience such as a major exam to get the whole event totally out of perspective. Parents need to be aware that sons or daughters writing the examinations can sometimes mistakenly believe their standing in their parents’ eyes is dependent on their success in the exam.

Parents should ensure that their child understands that your unconditional love and regard for them is in no way dependent on how they perform in the examinations. This affirmation is the greatest gift you can give them at the start of their examinations.

The South African Depression and Anxiety Group (Sadag) confirmed suicide attempts by youngsters usually spike after the matric exam results are released. This is mainly due to the pressure that society, including the parents, built up.

Sometimes, as parents, we put so much pressure on our children and speak about getting a good pass so much that their main worry is pleasing us. This is not healthy for a student that is about to sit for exams.

For Learners – Take advantage of the Early Morning
The last part of the night, right before dawn, is considered a blessed time. In the Quran, Allah says,

إِنَّ نَاشِئَةَ اللَّيْلِ هِيَ أَشَدُّ وَطْئًا وَأَقْوَمُ قِيلًا

“Lo! The vigil of the night is (a time) when impression is more keen and speech more certain” (73:6).

This is when Nabi Sallallahu Alayhi Wa Sallam). would perform the Tahajjud Salaah. Another Hadith also speaks about the blessings of the morning.  Go to bed right after praying Isha and wake up an hour or two before Fajr starts. Use this blessed time to really focus and concentrate when studying, especially for those subjects you find most difficult. If before Fajr is not possible then after Fajr is also a great time to study as your mind is rested and ready to absorb information.

Another benefit of getting up right before dawn is that it’s one of the best times to make Dua.

Furthermore, space your study sessions during the day according to Salah times. While most of us are so absorbed in our studies, Zuhr goes by, so does Asr, and by the time Esha sets in, we still not done. When Salaah is performed, Allah will bless our time and give us the ability to study more in a lesser amount of time.  Salaah is also a blessing in the form of a mental rest from intense studying.


Prime Spot!!!


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