Faizel Patel – 09/11/2020
While the world was watching with bated breath who the next president of the US would be, Israel’s army demolished about 18 homes displacing 73 Palestinians including 41 children in the largest such demolition in years in a Palestinian village in the occupied West Bank.
According to a United Nations official, tented homes, animal shelters, latrines and solar panels were among the structures destroyed in the village of Khirbet Humsah on Tuesday.
Israel’s military liaison agency with the Palestinians, COGAT, confirmed that a demolition had been carried out against what it said were illegal structures.
Speaking to Radio Islam during the Palestine Report on Monday, the Palestine Information Network’s (PIN) Hafez Ebrahim Moosa indicated that the US elections provided a cover for Israel to carry out the demolition, which has been strongly condemned by the Arab League, Qatar, and Jordan on Saturday.
“The Palestinian Prime Minister Tweeting that as the tension is focused on the United States elections, Israel chose this day to commit another crime a cover it up to demolish seventy Palestinian structures including homes.”
Hafez Moosa says the Palestinians were given just ten minutes to vacate their homes before their houses were destroyed.
“Those who were on the receiving end of this say that it was almost as if the hurricane had struck this particular village leaving no traces whatsoever. Now in very cold wintery weather in Palestine, at the moment they were forced to spend the night in tents and tried to recover and tried to rebuild their lives.”
Hafez Moosa also shared the reaction and the impact of the election of Joe Biden on Palestine and other Muslim countries including the decision by 49-year-old Maher al-Akhras deciding to end his hunger strike among other Palestine news and updates.
Listen to the Palestine Report with Hafez Ebrahim Moosa