Islahi Ijtima Karachi – Report Back Mufti Yusuf Moosagie

July 24, 2012


Tuesday 20120724 – Radio Islam’s presenter Mufti Yusuf Moosagie attended an International Islahi Ijtima, Gathering for the Purification of the Soul, in Karachi, Pakistan.  Arranged under the auspices of Khanka Imdadiya Asrafiya of Hazrat Moulan Hakeem Aktar Sahab Damatbaraktuhu and his son Moulana Mazhar Sahab.  People from across Pakistan as well as from around the globe attended, including a large group from South Africa.  People from India, Bangladesh, Iran, Burma, United Kingdom, Germany etc. attended too.  The gathering took place over four days viz. on the 29th, 30th, 31st of March and the 1st of April.  

Part 1 of 2


The themes of the Ijtima were the illustrious life of an outstanding scholar from the Ulama of Hind, Moulana Asraf Ali Thanwi Rahimullah and Spiritual Reformation.  More than 25 lectures were delivered by senior spiritual mentors and globally renowned captivating orators.  A daily Dhikr Majlis was hosted by Moulana Mazhar Sahab.  A key observation that was made by the Ulama is that, in the Ummah today, there’s great negligence with regards to giving due consideration to the reformation of the nafs.  This is of grave concern as it is crucial to cleanse and purify one’s character if one is to attain any level of proximity to Allah.


 Part 2 of 2


Prime Spot!!!


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