Eating solo is bad for your mental health and the planet

November 07, 2019

By Naseerah Nanabhai



In the past few decades, eating alone has become common. Food stores have encouraged this. With single seating arrangements and many other considerations that facilitate the solo experience. But eating alone can have negative effects. 

Factors that contribute to the increased amount of solo eating includes work and time constraints. A lower value and emphasis that people have placed on the idea of home-cooked meals and an increased amount of people who live alone. 

Eating alone is believed to cause many physical and mental conditions. These include depression, high blood pressure, and diabetes.

Solo eating may be a potential risk factor for metabolic syndrome, which results in too much fat around the waist and elevated blood pressure.

Research reveals that people who eat alone are more luckily to choose unhealthy foods and eat less fruit and vegetables.

Eating alone affects what you eat how much you eat and your mood. Often people don’t choose to eat alone but simply do not have anyone to eat with, this is the case with many older people.

People may be more inclined to mindlessly eat or snack when they are by themselves compared to when they’re enjoying food with others. This can result in poorer food choices.

Eating alone affects the planet because it can contribute to food waste.

Research shows that more than half of the food produced in certain countries is wasted. Furthermore, avoidable food waste in a country produces more than 22 million tonnes of climate-changing carbon dioxide emissions. 

Sharing a meal with others is good for your health and the planet. It is also one of the best ways to bond and build a connection.


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