Faizel Patel, Radio Islam News – 09-01-2019
Saudi Arabian authorities in the holy city of Makkah have launched a campaign to clean up the haram after it was swamped by locusts.
People took to social media and posted images and videos of the locusts swarming the haram.
The Makkah Municipality confirmed the phenomenon, which residents say has never been seen before, and conducted a citywide fumigation.
In a statement Makkah Municipality says it has appointed almost 130 people to tackle the issue.
“We are focusing on the areas of reproduction and breeding of insects, sewers, and open water source around the yards of the Holy Mosque and in all toilet scarred in the yards of the mosque.”
The authority also posted images of cleaners spraying insecticide the mosque’s sewage system and water drains around the Ka’ba
– Agencies
(1️⃣) pic.twitter.com/G4TqcXphz9
— أمانة العاصمة المقدسة (@holymakkah) January 7, 2019