If He Can…

November 07, 2018

If He can provide food for the birds in the sky
If He can provide bones for the dogs that pass you by
If He can provide shelter for the homeless man
Then surely, provide for you He can

If He could bring floods to a land once dry
If He can control the sun without strings to tie
If He could create you so perfect from sand
Then surely, whatever you want Him to do, he can

If He could have a baby born without intervention
If He could bring honour to a disgraced nation
If He can lengthen someones life span
Then, surely, resolve your griefs, He can

If for Maryam and Musa (AS) He could cause a river to alter its course
If for the death of Adam (AS) He caused the sun and moons orbit to pause
If for Musa (AS) He caused the sea to part
If, for the people of thamud, He made moulding rocks with bare hands their art
Then, oh my dear, what makes you think He isn’t waiting to give you that jump start ?

If He could cause a blind man to see
If He could cure leprosy
If He can control the movement of every ant and every bee
Then, oh my dear, what makes you think He doesn’t understand your issue’s enormity?

If He sent the Angel Gibraeel to save Yusuf (AS) in the well
If He removed Aasiyahs soul before the boulder fell
If He could create men that stood 30 feet tall
Then, oh my dear, what makes you think He won’t catch you when you fall?

If He caused the downfall of Hajjaj, the king, based solely on the duaa of Saeed bin zubair, a young lad
If He comforted Fatima (ra) at the demise of her Dad.

If he altered the apex of the sun so as to not disturb the sleep of believing youth for 300 years
Then, oh my brother and sister, what makes you think He won’t move mountains because of your tears?

If He caused the fleet of Sa’aad (RA) in the battle of Al- Mada’in to cross the tigris river
If in the battle of Mauta, when the muslims were outnumbered, He did to them victory deliver
If He sustained a man in a whales tummy at the bottom of the sea
Then, oh my dear, why are you so anxious about His decree?

~ Mualafa ~


Prime Spot!!!


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