Faizel Patel, Radio Islam News – 05-06-2018
The South African Hajj and Umrah Council (SAHUC) has confirmed that double bunk beds in the tent city of Mina in Saudi Arabia will be utilized for South East Asian hujjaj and not South Africans.
A video being circulated on social media shows rows of bunks beds in one of the tents with many assuming that it’s being implemented for South Africans.
Sahuc’s Shaheen Essop says the bunk bed amenities is a pilot project being phased in by Saudi Arabian authorities.
“There is a pilot project that is ongoing at the moment. It’s actually being introduced this year to the South East Asian pilgrims only. There’s been no extension to any of the other countries as yet.”
Essop says the Hajj accreditation process for South African hujjaj have been completed.
“We have finalised the numbers with the Ministry of Hajj in the their system and Hajj operators are now concluding their processes within the electronic hajj tracking system in order for us to be ready Insha’Allah for the issuance of visas.”
Essop says there was a stumbling block with the biometric process, but this has been resolved and has urged South African hujjaj to make the necessary appointment and get their fingerprints and retina scans captured.
The first group of South African Hujjaj will be in Jeddah on 1 Dhul Qa’dah 1439.