(Dr Vawda – LADYSMITH)
2tblsp Eucalyptus Oil 2tblsp Camphorated Oil 1tblsp Vicks
2tblsp ZamBuk
1tblsp Vaseline
Bring all the ingredients to boil and cool in container. Warm before use!
Cough home remedy
1/2 cup lemon juice
2tblsp apple cider vinegar
1/4 tsp nutmeg
1/4 tsp blk pepper
1/4 tsp bicarb
4 tblsp honey
Make mixture
Adults can hv 1 tblsp
Kids 1 tsp
Or alternatively mix 1 tbsp with warm water and drink.
There’s an excellent home-made rub that you could make yourself, and you will need the following items:
1 bottle of Vicks
1 bottle of Vaseline
1 tin of zambuk.
1 small bottle of eucalyptus oil – ½ of it
1 small bottle camphorated oil – ½ of it
Crushed ajmo can also be added to this mixture and this is optional.
Melt all these ingredients together in a small pot, and when slightly cool, bottle and use on babies over 6 months, children and adults.
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