medical cures prescribed by Nabi Muhammad (Salallaahu Alayhi Wasallam)

September 06, 2007

by Mawlana Ebrahim Adam, Cape

CURE 46 – 60

Cure for potency 46
Our Nabi (S.A.W.) was very fond of eating butter with dates. It has been described as giving a lot of vigour and strength to the body. It also helps to build the physique and to clear ones voice. If taken with honey (butter and dates) it removes pleurisy.

Cure for blood purification 47

In a Hadith our Nabi (S.A.W.) says: "Every pomegranate contain a drop from the water of Jannah." For this reason it has many cures-

(1) Purifies blood;
(2) invigorates and stimulates the body;
(3) cleans the stomach;
(4) removes obstructions in the digestive organs;
(5) stop diarrhoea (running stomach);
(6) improves digestion;
(7) strengthens the digestive organs;
(8) removes nervousness;
(9) clears the throat;
(10) clears the skin;
(11) neutralises acid in the stomach.

Note: No action or habit of our Nabi (S.A.W.) was ever without reason or wisdom. It therefore follows that for us to follow and practise all the actions and habits of our Nabi (S.A.W.), it will only make us more acceptable to ALLAH.

Cure for food purification 48

Muawiyah Bin Zad (R.A.) reports that our Nabi (S.A.W.) was fond of grapes. The reasons given as follows:

(1) It purifies blood;
(2) it gives vigour and health;
(3) strengthens kidneys;
(4) clears the bowels.

Cure for verility 49

Abdullah Bin Jaffar (R) reports that our Nabi (S.A.W.) said: "The best section of meat is the rump."

Reasons are it digests well and stimulates. Is also good for side pains and is also good for the heart.

Cure for sore eyes 50

Hazrat Ali (R) reports our Nabi (S.A.W.) as saying: "Mushroom is a good cure for the eyes."

Anas Ibn Malik (R.A.) reports the Nabi (S.A.W.) saying: "Jannah laughed and the mushroom came out and the earth laughed and its treasures came out."

There are three kinds of mushrooms:

(1) Black mushroom – this is poisonous.
(2) Whitetish and redish mushroom (pinkish) – this is also Not recommended.
(3) White mushroom – its extract is very good for the eyes. If applied for several days it removes the whiteness from the eyes (blindness). Its extract, however, is not useful for bloodshot eyes. Its extract is especially good for eyesore as a result of heat, but it is not good for eyesore because of cold.

Dried and ground mushroom stops diarrhoea and if a paste is made of mushroom with vinegar and placed over the navel of a person whose navel has shifted from a position resulting in severe pains, then the navel will come back into its place. If eaten regularly, then it prevents birth (birth control). It is very good for stomach aches and also arrests paralysis.

Cure for dust and dirt in eyes 51
For those who suffer from this problem they should read this verse 3 times and blow over the fingers, then rub the fingers over the eyes- Fa kashafna anka – ghie – aka – fabashroekal ­youmah gardiedan.

Cure for weakness 52
Omie Marzan (R.A.) reports that the Nabi (S.A.W.) and Sayedina Ali (R.A.) once visited her. The Nabi (S.A.W.) plucked and ate from a bunch of dates, but when Ali (R.A.) wish to take, the Nabi (S.A.W.) said: "O Ali! Don't eat it, for you are weak."
She reports that she prepared a meal of beetroot for them and the Nabi (S.A.W.) said: "O Ali! this is very good for you."

The reason for this Hazrat Ali (R.A.) eyes were very sore and dates increases it, whereas beetroot has no effect. It also teaches that abstention is Sunnah.
Beetroot is very good for digestion, it reduces phlem (spit). Helps to reduce palsy, also increases virility and strength.

Cure for sore eyes 53
Ummi Salma (R.A.) reports that the Nabi (S.A.W.) did not cohabit with any of his wives if their eyes were sore.

Cure for improving eyesight 54
Hazrat Ayesha (R.A.) reports that the Nabi (S.A.W.) favourite colour was green. In another Hadith, the Nabi (S.A.W.) says: "Seeing (looking at) and running towards green things, increases eyesight. In summer (itibu of Sunnah) recommended to wear green sunglasses (ulma).

Cure for bodily aches and pains 55
Abu Amama (R.A.) reports the Nabl (S.A.W.) as saying: "Decorate your tables with green things, for it chases away Shaytaan, when ALLAH's name is taken over it." Here the Nabi (S.A.W.) does not mean onions, garlic and leeks for he abhor anything which left an odour in the mouth. Rather it refers to greens such as peas, beans lentils, cabbage, etc. For they enrichen and purify the blood and improve digestion.

Cure for ferility 56
Ayesha (R.A.) reports that our Nabi (S.A.W.) was very fond of heast.

Heast is a very tasty dish which is prepared from mixture of butter, dates and kerr (curran milk). It is a kind of pudding and is very good for strength.

Cure for strength 57
Ibn Abbas (R.A.) reports that our Nabi (S.A.W.) liked milk. Most of all liquids.

Milk has been described for increasing stamina, removing dryness from the body. It helps digestion, is nutritious, improves texture of the skin, discharges waste of the body through urine (breaks down), improves brain and mind function, removes stresses and strains from the body. Milk, however, must be drunk in reasonable quantities, for too much milk could cause harm to some of the body function. Such as weakening the eyesight, weakening the joints of the body and also leads to fattening.

Cure for strength 58
Ayesha (R.A.) reports that the Nabi (S.A.W.) was very fond of honey. The Quran describes honey as a cure for all men. The Ulema comment that honey used in respectable amounts, can cure many of our human ill­nesses. It has been described by the learned as a mixture prepared by ALLAH. For mankind, for the benefit consisting of an extract of thousands of medicinal herbs. Honey is extremely good for increasing and improving the appetite, and invigorating manly potency. Honey reduces phlem and saliva (spit) and strengthens the function of the stomach at the same time. Cleaning and normalising the stomach. Removing acidity, it strengthens the function of the mind. It normalises body temperature. Honey taken with a little vinegar (mixed with it) removes melancholy, and a depressed disposition. Honey clears the bladder, facilitates urine discharge and clears the passage through to the anus. Honey restricts paralysis and is extremely efficient as an elixir (tonic). A teaspoon in the morning and evening, taken with doah.

Cure for stomach pain 59
Abu Hurairah (R.A.) reports that he was crying in the Mosque with severe stomach pains when the Nabi (S.A.W.) passed him and enquired: "Are you ill." "Yes", he replied and the Nabi (S.A.W.) said: "Get up and perform salaah for repetitive salaah is a cure (stomach ache).

Ayesha (R.A.) reports the Nabi (S.A.W.) saying: "Save your food to remembrance (zikr) of ALLAH and salaah. Otherwise your hearts will gather rust." This Hadith also refers to stomach ache wherein the Nabi (S.A.W.) remind us that zikr and salaah has countless side benefits, spiritual as well as medical, physical material.

Cure for body diseases 60
Anas Ibn Malik (R.A.) reports that Saad Ibn Maaz (R.A.) placed before the Nabi (S.A.W.) Sesamie seeds and dates. The Nabi (S.A.W.) partook of this fare and then blessed him. The Ulema comments that Sesamic seeds and dates form a balanced diet. Sesamie seed and dates are very good for the throat and voice as well.




Prime Spot!!!


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