CRPS / RSD Awareness Month

November 20, 2017


Second after second, nay moment after moment,

Battling sensations more powerful than torment.


Immeasurable intensity and incomparable inconsistency just a part of our day-to-day lives,

Frustration, helplessness, and dependency constantly scarring us like scalding knives.


But still we rise, still we smile, still we try our best to portray flair and style.

Still we fight, from day to night, anywhere and everywhere, trying our best to shine bright.


Comparing our pain to that of others, trust me, if only you knew,

What we’re going through every waking second of our lives would turn even Hercules blue.


Right up there on the pain scale with some of the highest imaginable pains,

Flares and catalysts triggered through even just loud noises and rains.


But still we rise, still we smile, still we try our best to portray flair and style.

Still we fight, from day to night, anywhere and everywhere, trying our best to shine bright.


Medical professionals telling us there’s not much more they can do to assist,

Constant suicidal thoughts and feelings, regularly having to resist.


Memory loss, forgetfulness, speech impairment, chronic fatigue, depression, oh my!

We hate using our condition as an excuse, but fact of the matter is, the time is nigh.


For too long we’ve had to just ball ourselves up and cry,

For too long we’ve had to respond to ‘laziness’ and ‘acting’ accusations with just a sigh.


We WILL still rise, we WILL still smile, we WILL still try our best to portray flair and style.

We WILL still fight, from day to night, anywhere and everywhere, trying our best to shine bright.


It’s not sympathy, pity, remorse, or fame we’re after, don’t get us mistaken,

Rather it’s just patience, understanding, acceptance, and support we desire, at least to not feel forsaken.


So whether near or far, wherever you are, just always remember,

We’re living embodiments of all the above, right through from January to December,

To anybody and everybody, as a group, or just as an individual member,

Please lend us a hand in at least spreading awareness for us in this CRPS Awareness Month; November…


As Composed And Expressed By Abdullah Panjwani,

A CRPS/RSD Warrior From The Warm Heart Of Africa; Malawi


Prime Spot!!!


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