The healthy benefits uses of tomatoes

September 06, 2007

Tomato is a fruit of a cultivated plant belonging to the species of the Nightshade family except for the tiny current tomato.
Although they are used as vegetables, tomatoes are actually fruits, and are members of the nightshade family of plants. They come from Central and South America. Spanish explorers took them back to Europe and they eventually found their way back to North America.

There are hundreds of varieties of tomatoes, including large “beefsteak” types that are especially good for salads and for slicing on sandwiches; Italian plum tomatoes, called Roma tomatoes, which are ideal for cooked dishes like tomato sauce; and small, sweet cherry tomatoes. While red tomatoes are most common, these vegetables can also be yellow, green, pink, or orange.

Tomatoes are available fresh, and in a variety of canned products, such as stewed tomatoes, whole tomatoes, tomato sauce, tomato purée, and diced tomatoes. Tomatoes can also be dried and are sometimes packed in oil this way. Tomatoes are often juiced and can be concentrated to produce tomato paste.

Vitamin C, present in fruits and vegetables, is a powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory. This anti-inflammatory activity may influence the development of asthma symptoms. A large preliminary study has shown that young children with asthma experience significantly less wheezing if they eat a diet high in fruits rich in vitamin C.


Tomatoes contain lycopene—an antioxidant similar in structure to beta-carotene. Most of the lycopene in our diet comes from tomatoes, though traces of lycopene exist in other foods.

A review of published research found that higher intake of tomatoes or higher blood levels of lycopene correlated with protection from cancer in 57 of 72 studies. Findings in 35 of these studies were statistically significant. Evidence of a protective effect for tomato consumption was strongest for cancers of the prostate, lung, and stomach, but some evidence of a protective effect also appeared for cancers of the pancreas, colon, rectum, oesophagus (throat), mouth, breast, and cervix. Many doctors recommend that people who are not allergic to tomatoes increase their intake to reduce their risk of cancer.

Tomatoes are also a source of beta-carotene. The strong association between increased intake of beta-carotene from food and a reduced risk of lung cancer does not necessarily mean that supplementation with natural beta-carotene supplements would reduce the risk of lung cancer. Dietary beta-carotene may be a marker for diets high in certain fruits and vegetables that contain other anticancer substances that may be responsible for the protective effects. Until more is known, some doctors advise smokers to avoid all forms of beta-carotene supplementation—even natural beta-carotene.

Dr. S.J. Singh in his book 'Practical Naturopathy' has described the tomato as very rich in food minerals which help to keep the blood alkaline and this maintains a high resistance to disease. It is very rich, in iron and potash salts. Tomatoes stimulate torpid liver and are good in dyspepsia, diarrhoea and, dysentery. It is purely a stomach and liver tonic.

Dr. G. S. Verma in his book 'Miracles of fruits' has written that tomato is a sort of fruit and should better be taken uncooked. It is a nerving tonic and purifier of blood. It removes constipation and strengthens teeth. It is easily digestible and as such, it is recommended as a good diet for invalids and especially in fevers, diabetes and after long fasts. Being a rich source of vitamin A, it is a dependable preventive against eye troubles. It also contains a good amount of vitamin C and is a very effective preventive and curative of scurvy. It is also very good for stomach disorders. It contains not only vitamins A, B, C and G but also other minerals like iron, calcium, sulphur and potassium.
Buying and storing tips

Tomatoes should be firm and juicy, with bright, unblemished skin. Buy them garden-ripe when possible, choosing those that give a little when squeezed and have a deep colour. A good way to tell whether a tomato is ripe is to smell it. It should smell like a tomato; unripe ones have no aroma. Store tomatoes at room temperature and, once they are ripe, use them within a few days. Placing them in a brown paper bag for several days will hasten ripening.

Preserving Tomatoes
The simplest way to preserve tomatoes is to freeze them whole. Just rinse them, spread them out on a cookie sheet, and freeze overnight. When frozen, put them in a freezer bag and return to the freezer. To use, remove from bag and thaw. When thawed, slip the skins off, and use in your favourite recipes.
Peel the tomatoes, puree them in a blender, and then strain them through cheesecloth or a coffee filer to drain off the excess tomato water (this can be used in soups). Freeze the pulp in ice cube trays. When frozen, store the frozen cubes in a freezer bag.
Tomato Tips:

• Add a pinch of sugar to tomatoes when cooking them. It enhances the flavour.
• To keep baked or stuffed tomatoes from collapsing, bake in greased muffin tins. The tins will give them some support as they cook.
• Tomato "water" – the clearish liquid that dribbles out of a sliced tomato, can be used as a low-acidity stand-in for lemon juice. This can be used in marinating raw fish.

Tomato skin care Recipes
Tomatoes are of great help for your skin. If you happen to go in the sun and in that span of time you get tanned, there is an easy solution. Prepare cucumber and tomato juice mixture to be applied on the affected areas of your skin. Keep it for 10 minutes; later wash it off with clean water. You will notice the difference.
Anyone can have skin rashes and the main reason for these rashes is silicon deficiency. This problem is overcome by having good amounts of sprouts, tomatoes and other vegetables and fruits.
Make a mixture of honey and tomato juice to be applied on your face and neck. Wash it off after 15 minutes and within minutes you would see a glowing face in front of the mirror.
Another recipe for glowing skin is the mixture of 2 tsp tomato juice and 4 tsp curd. Apply it well on your skin and wash it in 15 minutes to see the difference.

This recipe is for all those people who have oily skins, open pores and blackheads. Tomato has an acidic trait which also contains potassium and vitamin C which helps in cleansing the face. Rub a sliced piece of tomato on your skin and leave it for fifteen minutes. This would help the pores. Later wash it off with water.

For a good complexion spread the pulp of tomato on your face daily. Keep it for 1 hour and then wash it off with warm water. If done regularly the results will be seen.

The tomato lotion helps in shrinking the enlarged pores and this can be made by using tomato juice mixed with 2 or 3 drops of lime juice. Apply this solution on your face and then wash it off for 15 minutes.

A great recipe to remove sunburn can be made by adding 2 tsp tomato juice in 4 tbsp of buttermilk. Apply it all over your skin. Wash it off after keeping it for 1/2 hour.

You can easily make a homemade cleanser by using tomato and milk. Use tomato juice by straining the pulp and mix it with equal parts of milk. Store this in a bottle which can be refrigerated to be used everyday. Apply this on your face and neck by using your fingertips. Keep it for 10 minutes and later wash it with cold water.

Please exercise all precautions while following instructions on the recipes from this programme .Avoid using any of these products if you are allergic to it…



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