Ulama Condemn Sacrilegious Satire by Joey Rasdien

July 23, 2017


Faizel Patel, Radio Islam News – 22-07-2017

Muslim scholars who were part of the marriage conference programme at the Sandton Convention Centre have issued a statement in light of the comments made by comedian Yusuf (Joey) Rasdien.

Below is the statement from the Islamic scholars. 

Condemnation of Sacrilegious Satire

We, undersigned Muslim scholars who were part of the marriage conference programme, condemn in the strongest terms possible the outrageous, despicable and deplorable comments made by Joey Rasdien during the subsequent Ilm Arts Festival, held at the same venue.Any Muslim would take deep offence and would be incensed if Nabi Sallallahu alayhi wasallam or any of the Sahabah or teachings of Deen were to be ridiculed.

As Ulama, we do not take responsibility of Rasdien outrageous take on the matter. We neither condone, nor allow such a travesty to the honour and dignity of what is sacrosanct to our faith. Furthermore, as Muslims we will not tolerate such behaviour from anyone let alone a person who professes to be Muslim.

The much-talked about incident is unfortunate and had transpired after the marriage conference segment of the programme had concluded and the Ulama (signatories) had long left the venue.

As soon as we became aware of what had transpired, we immediately impressed upon the organisers and relevant media as to what the imperative corrective measures were and the immediacy with which they needed to be implemented.

We are heartened by the fact that the organisers were just as hurt and gutted as to what transpired and cooperated fully with the Ulama’s guidance on appropriate remedial action.

Any apology behind the cover of satire is unacceptable. We therefore appeal to Joey Rasdien to make an unconditional apology, without any excuses for such repulsive behaviour,especially coming from a Muslim.

We would like to bring to the notice of Joey Rasdien and all Muslim comedians that humour that lampoons, caricatures and satirises the Divine, religious symbols and all that is sacred, should be avoided at all costs.

We would like to invite all Muslim comedians on a programme that would educate them on the Islamic perspective on such issues to avoid a repeat of this nature in the future.

Ml Ebrahim Bham
Ml Sulaimaan Ravat
Ml Junaid Kharsany
Ml Zahir Mahmood


Twitter: @FaizelPatel143 


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