SILENCE! Our Libraries need changes!

June 07, 2016

Ejaz Khan

Radio Islam’s Mufti Moosagie spoke to ASRI’s Shagufta Pasta on the innovative “Future leaders” programme:

“It’s a 6 months scholarship with 30 Fellows from different educational backgrounds.”

Shagufta spoke about their latest project:

“We Aim to produce effective and innovative change agents who can make a better South Africa.
So we’ve got our 30 people working on the Campaign to improve the standards of libraries..
We’ve Researched Libraries in term of local standards versus international standards….
we’ve spoken to residents and as a group we’ve drafted bylaws to legislate for the reforms.”

On the Future of Libraries:

“Libraries must be places where the whole community can come together…”

“Needs to have a mixture of actual Books & online content…Different libraries around the world have ebook systems.
There’s a need to bring technology into the library space “

Shagufta on what seems to be one of the major problems with local libraries:
“Local Libraries don’t fully represent the communities they are based in.
We Need to have more local content “

On the process of bylaws and what they’ve done to effect change thus far:

“We have had a number of fellows on the streets of Johannesburg talking to the people on the ground in high traffic areas and getting feedback as well.”

“We have Collected over 1000 signatures on our online and street campaign.”

It is Learning process , we are currently trying to get as many petitions signed as possible…

For more details and to sign the Libraries petition, go to:


Prime Spot!!!


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