Home remedies for chicken pox , measles and mumps (13.08.15)

August 13, 2015

Chicken pox

Home remedies for chicken pox is very beneficial. Since there are no particular medicines for this disease, chicken pox home cure remedies serve as the best treatment.

Here we present you with some chicken pox home remedy treatments.

Brown Vinegar:

The use of brown vinegar is one of the most important home remedies found beneficial in the treatment of chicken pox. Half a cup of this vinegar should be added to a bath of warm water. This will relieve the irritation of the skin.


A bath of oatmeal is considered a natural remedy for relieving the itch due to chicken pox. This bath is prepared by cooking two cups of oatmeal in two litres of water for fifteen minutes. This mixture is then put into a cloth bag, preferably cotton, and a string is tied tightly around the top. This bag is allowed to float in a tub of warm water, and swished around until the water becomes turbid. Precaution should be taken to ensure that the bag is not torn. The child with chicken pox can splash and play in the water, making sure that water goes over all the scalds, while the pouch of oatmeal can remain in the tub.

Pea Water:

Green pea water is another effective remedy for relieving irritation of the skin. The water in which fresh peas have been cooked can be used for this purpose.

Bicarbonate of Soda:

Bicarbonate of soda is a popular remedy to control the itching in chicken pox. Some baking soda should be put in a glass of water. The child should be sponged with this water, so that the soda dries on the skin. This will keep the child away from scratching the eruptions.


The use of honey as an external application has also proved valuable in chicken pox. The skin should be smeared with honey. It will help in the healing of the disease within three days.

Carrot and Coriander:

A soup prepared from carrots and coriander has been found beneficial in the treatment of chicken pox. About 100 gm of carrots and 60 gm of fresh coriander should be cut into small pieces and boiled for a while. The residue should be discarded. This soup should be taken once a day.

Listeners input of home remedies.

Slingerberry leaves, put on the bed of a chicken pox patient very useful, it cools down the body.

Make a paste of the leaves of slingerberry, arad and pure rose water. Dab on the skin.

Put a bowl of water in a pan and add green peas to it. Place it on flame and set it to boil. Once boiled, strain the water and apply it on the affected area. This would relieve the irritation and itching.

Sandalwood oil also proves helpful in treating chicken pox. Apply the oil on the rashes right from the time chicken pox appears till its last days. It would also prevent scars from blemishing the skin.

Home Remedy for Measles

Measles home remedy treatment is quite effective. Following are some Measles cure home remedies.

Extract the juice from fresh oranges and drink it two times in a day.

Drinking barley water about 2-3 times in a day serves as a fabulous remedy for treating measles.

Turmeric is considered valuable in curing measles. Take about ½ tsp of turmeric powder and mix with some honey and the juice of few bitter gourd leaves. Give this mixture to the patient suffering from measles.

Liquorice has been found effective in the measles home remedy treatment. Take about half tsp of liquorice powder and mix with the same proportion of honey. Give the mixture to the patient and see the wonderful effects.

Have lukewarm water for baths and if possible, add neem leaves to the bathing water. It will be helpful in relieving you from the itching.

Lemon juice is known to be beneficial for treating measles. Take 15ml – 25 ml of lemon juice, diluted with water.


Warm Cream soda and Sparberry coldrinks are also useful in treating measles. The most important thing is to make sure that your child is warm and comfortable in a well-aired room and not subjected to full, glaring light, although I think that the days when we were kept in a darkened room are now past.

As with all feverish illnesses it is best to stick to a light diet of salads, fruit and vegetables, although fish should be avoided.

Citrus fruit and drinks made from oranges and lemons provide both refreshing liquids and an extra boost of Vitamin C to ensure a good recovery.

Bathing the rash with apple cider vinegar in warm water will reduce the desire to scratch whilst calamine lotion tales the heat out of the area.

Mumps home remedy treatment is quite effective. Following are some Mumps cure home remedies.

·Make a paste of dry ginger powder and water and apply it all over the swollen area.

·Warm camphorated oil can be applied to the swollen areas.

·Zambuk made warm can also be applied to the swollen glands.

·Seeds of asparagus have been found effective in curing mumps.

Mix these seeds with an equal quantity of fenugreek (methi) seeds and grind them so as to make a paste. Apply this paste all over the swollen parts.

·Avoid Acidic Drinks – Acidic foods and beverages such as citrus or tomato products increase saliva flow. The more saliva flows, the more it’s going to hurt. So, its better if the child drinks just non acidic fluids such as water or milk.

The neck should not be exposed to cold winds. Cover it with a scarf or a shawl.

 The person suffering with mumps should not be allowed to get wet much.

– Patient suffering from mumps should take enough rest and sleep.



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