Aches and pains in the body

September 05, 2007



Despite the agonizing pain of a cramped limb it is only a muscular spasm caused by either unaccustomed exercise, strenuous movement or paradoxically a prolonged period spent in one position which may have impaired the circulation of blood to the muscle. The muscle, usually in the calf, becomes knotted and when any attempt is made to move it becomes doubly rigid and painful. Vigorous rubbing and massage soon dispel the tension but if the limb still feels and aches then this should be followed by hot compresses until the muscle moves quite freely. Persistent night cramps are often caused by poor circulation and are a double menace because they disturb a good night’s sleep. However, if night cramps is the rule rather than exception it is advisable to seek professional advice.

Stomach cramps

Stomach cramps are frequently caused by eating in an unnatural position or whilst in a state of tension and can be particularly painful and frightening if the victim is convinced that something is wrong. The pain of cramp should not be underestimated. Some period pain suffered by women is no more than a form of cramp yet it will send the afflicted to bed with a hot-water bottle and a pain killer. Generally speaking, cramps are an instant but temporary protest from the body being overexerted. However if it persists it may indicate a dietary deficiency.

Relaxing rubs and poultices

Essential oil of cloves: 7 drops of this spicy aromatic oil added to 1 tsp of sunflower oil and massaged into the length of the muscle is warming and comforting. Essential oil of chamomile: a few drops diluted in 1 tblsp of sunflower oil and rubbed into the painful area of neck and upper shoulder has a relaxing effect. Athletes massage oil: 2 drops each of the essential oils of lemon, pine, and juniper shaken with 1 tbslp of sunflower oil may be used as massage oil prior to exercise.


As a result of a twist in the opposite direction to that in which the rest of their body was traveling most people at some time in their lives sprain some part of their body. Painful though it may be the injury is on most occasions temporary and relief is rapidly achieved by the application of cold compresses and where possible a supporting bandage and rest. Cold compresses of sweet smelling witch hazel followed by a gentle rub with rosemary oil and applied sympathetic attention will usually cure the matter in minutes.

Soothing lotions and oils

• Tincture of arnica: up to 10 drops of arnica in a cup of cold water and applied on a compress reduces swelling and brings out bruising.
• Epsom salts: a bowl or bath of pleasantly warm water into which has been stirred a god handful of Epsom salts is a time honored remedy for sprains. To make it even more pleasant and effective add either a good handful of thyme.
• Rosemary, lavender, sage, thyme, or marigold: up to 8 drops of any one of these healing essential oils added to 1 tblsp of sunflower oil and massaged into the painful area will, over a period of days, bring relief without soreness.
• Garlic: pounded in olive oil, rubbed into the sprain and then covered with a warm bandage.
• Camphor rub: mix in the proportions of 1 tsp of oil of camphor to 1 cupful of sunflower oil.


• Hot soured milk: apply it as a poultice on a warm cloth.
• Onion and honey: onion finely chopped and mixed with honey, was used to heal a multitude of hurts.


Arthritis, in the most simplistic terms, affects the joints and bones. Some specialists believe that living in a damp, cold climate increases the likelihood of becoming afflicted with this very painful and debilitating condition, others ascribe it to overuse, for example typists whose fingers become knotted, athletes with swollen knees and troublesome hips and painful feet. Occasionally it can be caused by a bad fall, a severe jolt or a trauma of an accident. One of the interesting aspects of arthritis is the higher proportion of women to men who suffer from it and it is reasonable to believe that his is as a result of hormonal changes which take place during the menopause.


• Oil of evening primrose: it is now believed that if women start taking evening primrose oil during and after menopause they will never suffer from arthritis. It is also though to be able to arrest and existing condition.
• Cider vinegar and honey: 1 tsp of each in hot water taken first thing in the morning will reduce the chances of arthritis.
• Honey and lemon: some fruits should not be eaten by arthritis sufferers but lemon juice has a beneficial effect. Take daily the juice o 1 lemon in hot water sweetened with honey.
• Cinnamon and honey: take every morning a tsp of honey with cinnamon sprinkled onto it.
• Swimming: one of the best ways of ensuring a lithe and healthy body is to swim daily. Taking a bathe daily or as often a possible will relieve arthritis. Spa treatments, where one can swim and is fasted on natural spring water are considered by many to be far better than any other treatments and can be repeated regularly if circumstances allow, without adverse side effects.

Oils, liniments and poultices

• Compresses: try a red flannel wrapped gently around painful joint or alternate hot or cold compresses left on overnight as soon as the twinges start.
• Olive oil: a gentle massage with warm olive oil as soon as the pain starts is cheap an effective.

Liniment for arthritis

2 drops of essential oil of cloves
3 drops essential oil of eucalyptus
3 drops oil of wintergreen
7 drops oil of camphor
2 tblsps olive oil.
Shake together thoroughly and use to massage the afflicted joint.




Prime Spot!!!


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