President Jacob Zuma’s statement on the release of the Farlam Commision of Inquiry into the August 2012 Marikana massacre as a “bloodwash” absolves his government from any political responsibility.
Ironically, this “bloodwash” was released on the eve of the 60th anniversary of the freedom charter which promised fairness, justice and that all ‘’shall be equal before the law’’.
This is seen as yet another moment of how this government has failed the struggle of the liberation.
The report also falls short in its analysis of the structural and systematic foundations of the conditions that gave rise to the strike and massacre, the super exploitation of black workers at the order of capitalist shareholders who retail control of minerals and economy of South Africa.
The overall tone of the report heavily leans towards a vilification of the strikers with a recommendation that scores of the miners be investigated.
However this raises the question over why the hundred plus police officers who discharged their weapons were never brought in for questioning by the commission.
The exoneration of Cyril Ramaphosa, Nathi Mthethwa, Susan Shabangu, Rhia Phiyegha and the entire executive is perhaps the most shocking finding of all.
Spokesperson for the Marikana Support Campaign Rehad Desai says:
‘’The fact that Phiyegha is only recommended for an enquiry regarding her fitness for office, when she should’ve been dismissed makes no sense’’
Now the National Police Commissioner says she has received a letter from Zuma informing her about an inquiry into her fitness to hold office after the Marikana reported largely blamed the South African Police Services for the August 2012 shootings on the platinum mine.
The head of the South African Police Services had praised officers on the ground after 34 miners were shot and killed.
Phiyega has until the end of July to respond.
When asked whether the defence team will appeal the ruling on the Marikana Report, Desai was adamant in he’s response quoted as saying:
‘’Absolutely, now what we plan to see before the August 16th is a flurry of civil claims going in from the injured and arrested counting over 100 people who were injured and 270 arrested, so the failure to give any compensation to the victims who were arrested and the families of the slain miners could cost the State a tremendous amount of money ’’
On Monday the 29th June, the Marikana support campaign will hold a press conference to further interrogate the findings and reccomendations contained in the report and elaborate on a number of demands that will be pursued in the coming period.
Radio Islam News