Faizel Patel, Radio Islam News, 2015-01-06
So another new year has dawned, and while a plethora of resolutions have been etched in mud with some never turning to stone, the question is do people have the tenacity to really change?
I think people have the potential to make a difference to their lives and while some may achieve the feat or their goals, others fail miserably.
The one fact that I have realized in 2014 is that life is really short, and to wait a year to make resolutions, being inspired or striving for what you want borders on sheer insanity.
I say this because I am still trying to come terms with the reality of the passing of a family member who I never fathomed would depart this world so quickly. The entire family is still reeling in shock with many thinking it’s just another bad dream.
Jalaluddin Rumi said “With life as short as a half taken breath, don’t plant anything but love.”
People are fallible and during the year many people make mistakes with the nonchalance and complacency that there is a glimmer or shining light at yearend that beckons where “new” resolutions are resurrected. But how do you know you will live until tomorrow or the end of the year?
You don’t!
While many have scribed their resolutions which happens year after year like clockwork until the battery runs flat, Let 2015 be the year where there is consistency.
Stick to the diet, set your goals, be more charitable and most importantly have respect for others and possess the power to forgive and forget.
Become a better human being, ditch the pride and leave arrogance at the door.
It is with this thought and this mindset that people should enter the realm of 2015 with hope and fervor to make a difference not only to their own lives but to touch and inspire the lives of others.
Statistics show that only 8% of people achieve their New Year’s resolution. How did they do it? By keeping it simple, making it tangible and being consistent in the adventures that you set yourself.
While a lot of people that make New Year’s resolution do break them, research shows that making resolutions is useful but Carp Diem (Seize the day), make that change now instead of waiting a year.
It is Sheik Jalaluddin Rumi who said:
You were born with potential
You were born with goodness and trust
You were born with ideals and dreams
You were born with greatness
You were born with wings
You are not meant for crawling, so don’t
You have wings Learn to use them, and fly.
(Twitter: @Faizie143)