For all matters that affect the heart and mind,
Whether spiritual or of the medical kind,
The treatment begins with a return to the Being in charge,
For in His Control is everything, small or large!
In His Word you will always find a cure,
Many have tried and found it for sure!
He will guide you to the right place,
And you will find it through His Grace!
Say with sincerity ” Hasbunallahu wa ni’ mal wakeel”,
Bend your sceptical knees and in front of Him, Kneel!
Rooster for a hero!
They will cut their hands and make it bleed,All for a musician who, himself is in need!They will cry for a foul-mouthed car show host,Whose arrogance has lost him his prime post!They will swoon over some girly boy prancing in front,Who does silly, stupid things as a...