The world of love has neither beginning nor end; there is no guide to it save a bleeding heart. He is a lover who from the first step he takes, immerses himself from head to foot in blood becoming like so much mud.
0 Lord, I have said many foolish things; I have said much that was true and much that was not. Though the sinner commit a hundred worlds of sins, yet one atom of Thy grace will efface them all.
We have nothing but sins to offer, no acts of devotion. What can we bring to counterbalance our sins? Only a small handful of things.
Since such is our case, 0 Lord, do not abandon us to ourselves. Thou transcends the categories of quantity, quality, and cause; Thou art beyond and outside of the world.
0 Lord, Thy mercy is a universal sea; a single drop of it would suffice for us. If Thou were to wash the pollution of Thy sinful creatures in that sea, The water would not be darkened for a moment but the case of a whole world of people would be brighter.
What loss would that sea of mercy suffer if Thou gavest one drop of water to Thy creatures?