September 28, 2007

By Ml Sulaiman Ravat


Rekindling the Islamic brotherhood and unity is impossible if we don’t become obedient to the commands of Allah Ta’aala. Allah says “And (Allah) created the bond of love between their hearts. If you (O Muhammad!) had spent whatever there is on this earth, you will not have been able to create that bond of love between their hearts.” But Allah created the bond between them. The Mufassireen (commentators) write that this means love between Muslims, a bounty of Allah. He does not confer this bounty to those who are disobedient.


A quality of the Muttaqeen (righteous) is that “they do not intentionally continue with wrongdoing.” They make Taubah (repent). Taubah has 3 conditions for acceptance, regret, abstention, and a firm intention not to commit the act again. If we made an intention to abstain only for one month, then that is not sincere Taubah. If we return to our old ways then it’s a sign that our Taubah was invalid.


We need to celebrate Islam, our fortune of being members of the greatest faith ever revealed to humankind, our blessings at receiving the most comprehensive of scriptures that has ever descended from the heavens. We need to celebrate our selection as followers of the greatest man ever who walked on the face of this earth.


Once Nabi Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam asked the Sahaba: “the Imaan (faith) of which creation amazes you the most?” They replied the Imaan of the Malaaika. Nabi Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam said “What reason do they have not to believe whilst they are in the presence of their sustainer?” They said then, it must be the Imaan of the Prophets. Nabi Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam said “what reason do they have not to believe whilst they are the recipients of the divine revelation. They said our Imaan. Nabi Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam said “what reason do you have not to believe whilst I’m in your midst?” Nabi Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam thereupon said “indeed the most amazing faith unto me is that of a people who will come after my demise. They will find pages within which is a scripture and simply believe therein i.e. without seeing me. (Mishkaat)

Yes, we are living in very demanding times yet we must draw strength from the fact that Nabi Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam acknowledged our Imaan in this day and age. We are weak but not worthless.


Prime Spot!!!


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