Now one day, Zaakir wore his shoes incorrectly again. Nobody noticed at first, until he went out into the garden to play. He stopped to make Salaam to Noor the gardener, who returned his salaam. Then Noor pointed to Zaakir’s shoes and laughed. “Banana Shoes.” He said.
“These are takkies, “said Zaakir. “They are not banana shoes.” Still smiling Noor explained that ‘banana shoes’ were shoes that were put on wrong. He then told Zaakir to bring two bananas from the house.
Zaakir went into the house and returned with the bananas. Noor took the bananas and placed them, back to back. Then he told Zaakir to turn them around to form an apple shape. Zaakir did as he was told. Noor then told him to place his shoes together in this way.
“Always wear your shoes like an apple and not like bananas,” he said. Zaakir wore his shoes the correct way and went to explain his sister what he had just learnt.
Thereafter it was much easier to put his shoes on correctly. Now, whenever he sees little children wearing their shoes the wrong way, you can be sure he points to them and says, “Banana shoes.” He then shows them how to wear them the apple way.