By Sabeer Mahomed
It’s amazing how we comfort ourselves at the time of sorrow with an imaginary picture, with wishful thinking and a thriller. What is meant by this? Allow me to explain.
A man dies, his family gathers for his funeral, and in the typical Western way of things, his friends and families one by one take to the stage glorifying him and ending with the trademark statement “I know you are in Heaven smiling down.” SAYS WHO?
Have we forgotten that WE are not the judges, Allah is the judge? Has the magic silver screen changed the word of Allah that we now believe in myths like sex before marriage is the right thing? Allah does not base his laws according to the times of today or of tomorrow. Just as Allah always will be, so will the revelations of Allah always be. So where did we go wrong some may ask. Well a fine example is how hungrily we are eating out of the hands of the leader of the Free World, our role model. Face it, we worship them. Take a typical day of ours. We are in another part of the world, thousands of miles away and just as we have never seen Allah, we have never been to the Americas. So let the worship begin.
Wake up; let me light a cigarette because an actor looked cool doing it in the advert or because I’m fat and all those skinny supermodels smoke so it must help with my weight problems or simply because it calms my nerves. Pray? Oh yes I’m going to pray in the shower now as I sing a US hit. Out the shower now I need more music to feed my starved soul this morning as I change into my body tight outfit to look sexy and be judged by and lusted after by my looks.
I’ve got a career, a German car, a fancy house, I’m successful. I’m over the moon; I’ve got everything going for me. Open my mouth and eat breakfast as I thank my career for putting food on my table and leave the door with my ipod in my ear singing the praises of music as I enter my car, switch off my ipod lightning quick and get the radio on as I begin my journey to work not with the word of Allah. but more rationally with holy lyrics of singers sleeping around, one actor doing a kid, another having sex in the classroom, one masturbating on a cross and the other degrading his mother. Now I’m ready to start my day.
Get to work, oh Julia is in today, she asked me yesterday to attend her birthday party but my lover is coming home so I can’t so I tell her my mother is sick and I can’t make it. Fooled her with that little white lie didn’t I!!! That reminds me, I’ve got a mother, let me call the old age home quickly to find out if she’s still alive. Yep, there’s nothing like an old age home to dump your parents in once they have gone frail and gets in the way of your life.
On my way home I grab some DVDs to learn more about how to live my life from the Holy land of Hollywood. Lessons like ALL mother in laws are evil and should be hated, listening to your parents in not cool, following your heart is more important than what’s right, sex without commitment is a blessing and liquor solves problems have proved to be invaluable in moulding me into the 21st Century liberated individual I am. Another successful day has passed me by.
Now here’s the Thriller….
I say this world is everything. Allah says that if this world were worth even the weight of a mosquito’s wing to Him, He would not give a drop of water to drink to the disbelievers. I say success comes from earning my university diploma. Allah says success comes from following the Quran and the way of life shown to us by the Prophet after Jesus (PBUH) who is Mohammed (PBUH).
I say when we die we go to Heaven. Allah says those who do not follow my commandments and Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) will go to hell while those who submit to Him will enter paradise.
I say sex is healthy. Allah says sex out of marriage is a major sin and those who do it will burn in ovens of fire, the flames of which is 70 times more intense than that of this world.
I say this is my body and I will do what I want to do with it. Allah says He has created this body, it is His, and to Him it will return. Allah says Paradise lies under the feet of your mother.
So people, stop thrilling yourselves. Death is certain without a doubt and trust me, the dead do not go to Disneyland, Neverland, Graceland or any silver screen locations in America, they go to Allah. He will judge you and He will send you to your final destination, Heaven or Hell.