Harry, Larry and Moe, three tortoises decide to go for a picnic. It will take them 3 days to get there. And 3 days to get back. After 3 days, they reach their picnic spot. Harry starts unpacking; sandwiches, crackers, fruit but oops they forgot the lemonade. Harry and Larry decide to send Moe back for the lemonade. “Why me?” says Moe. I bet you guys are gonna eat the sandwiches as soon as I am gone. Harry and Larry promise they wont and Moe sets off to fetch the lemonade. Harry and Larry wait for 1 day, they wait for 2 days on the third day, they are starving but still they wait for Moe. On the 4th day they cant take it but still they wait for Moe. By the 5th day Harry says to Larry ‘lets just take one sandwich and share it cos we really are starving now’.
They barely take their first bite when Moe pops out from behind a bush. ‘I knew it; I knew you guys would eat the sandwiches. Imagine if I really went to fetch the lemonade’.