January 08, 2009


For us, our heart is an essential organ. It beats about seventy-two times per minute and about forty million times per year. To understand what a tiring activity this is, just make a fist with your hand and then relax it, and continue making a fist and relaxing it. How many minutes do you think you will be able to keep this up?


Your heart, which is about the size of your fist, continues this action throughout your life without becoming tired or even stopping once. Our hearts don’t stop even while we are asleep. If we become excited, our heart beats faster, and it beats slower while we rest. Our heart makes all these adjustments automatically while we are totally unaware.


Every time our heart beats, it pumps blood around our bodies. What we need to survive is in this blood. Every one of our cells receives the necessary oxygen and food they need from the blood. Our heart pumps about 43,000 litres (approx. 11,000 gallons) of blood per day. Do you know just how much blood this means? This is about enough to fill 150 bathtubs. Wouldn’t you become tired if you tried to empty a single bathtub full of water with just a cup? Now imagine having to empty 150 bathtubs of water with just a single cup. Probably you wouldn’t have been able to accomplish such a difficult task. However, our heart does such a task and has done so since the day we were born and will continue to do so until the day we die. Moreover, it never takes a break. You, for example, would take a break while doing a difficult chore. You would probably need to lie down, or take a rest, but our hearts don’t become tired, because they are essential for our survival. It is small but its task is enormous. This is why Allah has created it in such a way that it never tires.




Prime Spot!!!


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