Soul food for Muslim mommies: Preparing for Ramadaan

July 29, 2011
By: Hafidha Rayhaanah Omar

  • Prioritize or postpone secondary responsibilities for post-'Eid.
  • Make the Dhikr of Allah Ta'aal whilst preparing Suhoor and Iftaar.
  • Take the opportunity to perform your salaatut-Taraweeh and make du'aa to Allah Ta'aal, once the children have been put to bed.
  • Listen to Radio Islam and learn more on our Deen.
  • Review your personal Qur'an goals for the month and share them with your spouse: Work on a weekend schedule too, where your spouse can spend time with the children, allowing you to devote more time to your Qur'aan goals, inshaa Allah.
  • Make an intention before doing any action, and establish that every act is being done for the Pleasure of Allah Ta'aala, and as an act of worship unto Him.
  • Assess and review aspcts in your life that may unnecessarily deplete your time availability and resources: time spent socialising, using communication tools and gadgets, such as: the internet, smartphones, etc.
  • Whilst motherhood can sometimes be challenging, take ecah day in Ramadaan as it comes, and be grateful for the gift of Motherhood : for it is a means to Paradise. Stay positive!
  • Try involving your children in ibaadat  and house chores this Ramadaan : allow them to sit and make dhikr or du'aa with you, read a story on Ramadaan or listen to The Butterfly Corner together, allow them to set the iftaar table / dastarkhaan, or put out the dates and zamzam water, etc.

  Rayhaanah Omar
~Let the beauty of what you ♥ be what you do~


Prime Spot!!!


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