Answer: One should always meditate and ponder that Allah Ta'ala is Samee', (One who listens to every single thing), Baseer (One Who sees every single thing even if anyone else is seeing), Aleem (One who Knows of every single thing) and in the like manner reflect on the different attributes of Allah Ta'ala.
Together with that, remain engaged in the Dhikr of Allah Ta'ala at all times. A person would be able to reach the greatest height if he confides and consults with a Shaykh-e-Kaamil (spiritual mentor) who is pious and God-Fearing. We, therefore, suggest that every individual should try and relate all his issues to a reliable mentor with whom he have strong confidence and compatibility with, who will be able to give him individual and personal attention. May Allah Ta'ala grant one and all the quality of Taqwa, Aameen.
In today's times when evil and corruption is so common and rife, every individual must take it upon himself/herself to protect and guard against the soul being corrupted. Hereunder, are some guidelines to guard one's soul and spirituality.
A. Be punctual in performing the five daily Salats. A male must ensure he performs Salat with Jamaat in the Masjid.
b. Recite some portion of the Qur'an daily. It is also important to read the translation and commentary of the Qur'an daily. We recommend the following English translations: Muhammad Pickthall (Translation); Muhsin Khan (Translation); Tafseer-e-Usmani (with commentary); Daryabadi (with commentary); Maariful Quaan (with commentary). NB. Any translation of the Noble Qur’an must be accompanied with the Arabic text next to the translation.
c. Recite the following three Tasbeehs any time in the morning or evening, 100 times Istighfaar, 100 times third Kalimah, 100 times Durood upon RasulullahSall-Allahu alayhi wa sallam. The above three Tasbeehaat should be read in isolation and concentration.
d. Always display good character even in front of one's enemies.
e. Avoid intermingling with the opposite gender and lower one's gaze. Do not let the mind and heart be polluted with the form and shape of the opposite gender. That is death to spirituality.
f. Stay in the company of the pious. Bad company is detrimental to one's Iman and character.
g. Be conscious of life after death and accountability in the court of Allah Ta'ala. Keep in touch with reliable Ulama. Make their Ikraam (honour) and seek their esteemed guidance.