Beginning and Ending Ramadan in Two Different Countries

November 06, 2007
By Mufti Ebrahim Desai

Q.) In Saudi Arabia, if Ramadan commences one or two days before South Africa, a person who commences his Ramadan in South Africa and spends Eid in Saudi Arabia would fast only 28/29 days. Conversely, if a person commences his Ramadan in Saudi Arabia and upon returning to SA before Eid, if the moon is not sighted after the 29th fast, he would have fasted 31 days. What must be done in such situations?

A.) In the first situation, if Ramadan commenced in Saudi Arabia two days before South Africa, the person should make Eid with the people in Saudi Arabia and later make-up for one fast. In the second situation, he must keep the 31st fast and make Eid with the people in South Africa. (Ahsanul Fataawa vol.4 pg.433)

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