October 28, 2009
by Imran Ibn Zarkhan Al Shafi
All Praise be to the one who Created us;
There are some who make His existence a fuss;
Those who disbelieve in Him, they are in Loss;

In this life we have a test;
The question: whose fear of Allah is the best?
To worship him is our quest.

Time and again we are faced with situations;
In which we must make tough decisions;
Fools are we, we think we're so smart;
Shaytan attacks us with many ideas like darts;
According to him, we plan and chart;
Not knowing that he is poisoning our hearts;
The time comes when we realize the mistake in our Parts;
One last chance!, for some the Tauba starts;

Even still, some don't ask of His Forgiveness;
They don't realize that they're in a big mess;
Never do they ask of Allah's Mercy;
They have eyes, but can they really see?;

There are also the righteous however;
Forget to ask Allah?, NEVER!;
They ask Allah in every endeavor;
To help them as part of His Favor;
Then, even if they are affected by Shaytans call;
They are not hurt by the hard fall;
They quickly get back up, standing tall;
Racing to gain forgiveness from The Merciful;
Allah promised to answer the caller's call;

Take a lesson from the fitra of the child;
With the lesson of walking they are trialed;
Yes, they do fall, but they are not beguiled;
They get back up and take a step;
Maybe again they accidentally trip;
But they stand up again and get a grip;
More and more steps take place;
Before you realize it, they are walking with so much grace;

An example for us, as we grow in our age and Deen;
Like the baby, hard challenges we have seen;
As the baby walks with so much grace;
We should also pick up our pace;
We are travelers, there is no question;
To Allah is our ultimate destination!

May the Prayers and blessings of Allah be on His beloved;
and on the companions who prayed and strived;
That the Deen of Allah might be carried on to those who came later;
On high thrones will they be raised in the hereafter;


Prime Spot!!!


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