Imaam al-Waaqidi RA, the historian

July 18, 2018
The author of the history book ‘futooh ush shaam’, al-Imâm Abû ‘Abdillâh Muhammad bin ‘Umar al-Wâqidî al-Madanî. He was born at the beginning of 130 Hijrî in al-Madînah al-Munawwarah. His surname is derived from his grandfather’s name, Wâqid, and thus he became famous as al-Imâm al-Wâqidi.

He began his studies in Madînah. Amongst his prominent teachers were Ibn Abi Thahab Ma‘mar bin Râshid, al-Imâm Mâlik bin Anas and al-Imâm Sufyân ath-Thawrî. Initially he earned a living as a wheat trader, but when a calamity struck he migrated to Irâq in 180 Hijrî during the reign of Mamûn ar-Rashîd. There Yahyâ al-Barmakî welcomed him due to his great learning and he was included as one of Mamûn’s elite. He was soon appointed as judge and held this post until his death on 11 Thul Hijjah 207 Hijrî. He is buried in the graveyard of Khayzarân.

The Imâm was both a Muhaddith and Historian but since he concentrated on History, his Hadîth narrations need to be scrutinised before acceptance whereas he is doubtlessly acknowledged as a master of History. Besides Futûhushâm, al-Imâm al-Wâqidî also wrote:

• Al-Maghâzî an-Nabawî (Campaigns of the Prophet)
• Fath Ifriqîyah (Conquest of North Africa)
• Fath al-‘Ajam (Conquest of Irân)
• Fath Misr wal-Iskandrîyah (Conquest of Egypt and Alexandria)
• Akhbâr Makkah (Narrations of Makkah)
• At-Tabaqât (The Generations)
• Futuh al-‘Irâq (Conquest of Irâq)
• Sîrah Abî Bakr wal-Wafât (Life and death of Abû Bakr RA)
• Kitâb as-Sardah (Birth of the Prophet)
• Tarîkh al-Fuqahâ (History of the Jurists)
• Kitâb al-Jamal (Battle of the Camel)
• Kitâb as-Siffîn (Battle of Siffîn)
• Maqtal al-Husayn (Massacre of Al-Husayn)
• Tafsîr al-Qurân etc.


Prime Spot!!!


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