- Increase in Du'aa.
- Recite abundant Istighfaar.
- Recite Durood upon Rasoolullah (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam).
- Prepare meals for those sitting in i'tikaaf (1 month) or last 10 days.
- Babysit for family members and neighours during Taraweeh so that their mums can pray with khushu’ and concentration.
- Cook iftaar for sisters who are expecting, students away from home, etc. in your community and deliver it to their homes.
- Help the widows with their chores and errands.
- Assist the elderly in their visits to a doctor / clinic.
- Read an authentic book on the seerah of Rasoolullah (sallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam).
- Do any spring cleaning, laundry, Eid shopping etc. that needs to be done now, so that you can fully focus on Qur’an/salah/etc when you are fasting.
- You can also prepare and freeze some vegetables /food now so that meal preparations are easier during the last 10 days of Ramadaan.
- Spend a lot of time in du`a’, and memorize the du`a’s for different actions, as based on the sunnah of Rasoolullah (sallalaahu 'alayhi wa salam).
- Memorize Allah Ta'ala's beautiful Names and their meanings.
- Volunteer at an orphanage or soup kitchen.
- Co-ordinate a Ramadaan / Eid awareness programme at your local school / madrasah / workplace.
- Make Eid/Ramadan goodie bags for the orphans so that they feel loved and feel attached to the Ummah of Islam.
- Do the adhkar (remembrance of Allah) for morning and evening narrated from the Prophet (sallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam).
- Read: Munaajate Maqbool, hizbul aazam, morning and evening du'aas, 40 salaat and salaam.
- Remember to seek out Laylat ul-Qadr throughout the month and do not let even one night go by without making du`a’.
- Find out who is sick in your area or in the hospital and go visit them and try to help them.
- Look for new converts, those who are newly practicing or people who have lost touch with the community and invite them over for iftar.
- Learn one Sunnah and bring it alive into your life.
- Offer to listen to your husband / son / brother / father's dhor (if they are huffadh and preparing with their revision for salaatut-taraweeh).
- Reflect on your Ramadaan goals: REVIEW – RENEW – REFRESH ..your goals and niyyat for this month of spiritual trasformation.
- And of course, stay listening to Radio Islam International!
Prepared by: Hafidha Rayhaanah Omar (rayhaanah@feeqalbee.com), for Radio Islam International.
Please note: Corresponding podcast will be uploaded soon, Inshaa Allah.
Rayhaanah Omar
~Let the beauty of what you ♥ be what you do~